To understand why you should colonize as natives in Europa Universalis 4, focusing on the “Reasons to Colonize as Natives” section, let’s look at the three sub-sections in this part. You’ll get valuable insights on the “Access to Unique Mechanics and Bonuses,” “Control over Trade Routes and Resources,” and “Protection from European Colonizers and Conquerors.” This will enable you to make informed decisions about whether or not colonization is the right choice for you as a player.
Access to Unique Mechanics And Bonuses
Colonising as natives in Europa Universalis 4 has its advantages. Here’s why:
- Unique government types with bonuses.
- Vast array of tactics to defend and expand empires, such as migrating.
- Extra trade opportunities with crafts industry, fur or ivory.
- Population growth, unlike other empires which must expand by conquest.
- Easier to declare wars of independence due to allies’ strength.
- Flexible diplomacy choices and army/tech advancements, without pressure on economy.
Plus, you can explore different scenarios with rules that may differ.
Pro Tip: Balance it all for a smooth progress.
Raid and pillage like a true Viking – no need for resources!
Control Over Trade Routes And Resources
Control the trade routes and resources as a native in Europa Universalis 4 and become the colonizer. It’s the key to prosperity! Witness the impact with this table:
Control Over Trade NodeIncome per Month
Control 50
No Control 20
Having control increases income by 150%! This extra cash can be put towards military, or tech improvements – giving you an edge.
Also, controlling trade routes gives you leverage in negotiations. Block off other nations’ resources and gain political and economic advantages.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity for growth – act now!
Protection From European Colonizers And Conquerors
Settling as Indigenous Peoples in Europa Universalis 4 holds a shield against European colonizers and conquerors. In addition, it grants the player defensive bonuses, thus giving an advantage in military clashes. This strategy also earns long-term political benefits by warding off foreign interests seeking to dominate local affairs.
Securing trade routes and luxury goods for future generations is also important. Preserving resources helps to keep order while advancing the civilization. The player can even become a ‘vassal’ state by allying with colonial powers.
Having a clear strategy is vital when playing as indigenous people. Cooperating with other native factions to repel colonizers is important. When alliances are formed early on, defending against external threats is easier. Diplomacy is key since natives lack colonial systems’ economic structures yet face powerful external threats.
If playing as indigenous people, protecting the ancestral land’s sovereignty is essential. Deploy tactical skills and seek powerful allies from all corners of the map. Control the economy to advance quickly – without weakening or succumbing to outside forces such as colonization!
Colonizing as natives in Europa Universalis 4 is difficult. But it is not impossible!

Challenges of Colonizing as Natives in Europa Universalis 4
To overcome the unique challenges of colonizing as natives in Europa Universalis 4, you must understand your limitations. Limited technology and infrastructure, lack of advanced military units, and vulnerability to European diseases and aggression are just some obstacles you will need to navigate. This section will explore how to confront and overcome these challenges to achieve sustainable growth and expansion for your empire.
Limited Technology And Infrastructure
Colonizing as Natives in Europa Universalis 4 is a challenge. They lack advanced technology and infrastructure. They must invest time in research and development starting with basic tools and structures. This makes basic functions tedious, like travelling or communicating with other tribes.
Military tactics and economic growth suffer without knowledge of Architecture or Shipbuilding. As a result, resources remain inaccessible, slowing expansion and leading to starvation during tough times.
Native civilizations also struggle forming alliances with stronger nations. They lack a strong network to connect with other Native civilizations, missing out on powerful allies to guide them.
Interestingly, these struggles are not far from reality. Developing nations face similar struggles to catch up with more advanced countries today.
Lack of Advanced Military Units
Colonizing in Europa Universalis 4 is hard due to the lack of advanced military units. Without strong troops, defense of the land is tricky against other nations. Therefore, it’s wise to research technologies that help develop powerful military forces.
Natives too face difficulties. They must fight with spears and arrows – traditional warfare. This puts them at a disadvantage against European powers with access to advanced weaponry and tactics.
To win, alternate strategies must be explored. Such as guerrilla warfare or forming alliances with other tribes or civilizations.
Pro Tip: A strong economy can finance tech research and support long military campaigns. This leads to more advanced military units.
Vulnerability to European Diseases And Aggression
In Europa Universalis 4, colonization presents a difficult experience for native populations. Illnesses, introduced by Europeans, can have devastating effects because of the lack of immunity. Natives are disadvantaged when acquiring trade technology and resources due to their primitive tools and weapons.
European disregard for indigenous culture leads to declining local traditions and systems. Instead, profit is the focus, resulting in exploitation and oppression of the natives. This aggressive nature triggers escalating skirmishes with fatal consequences.
Colonizers further impose foreign ideologies such as slavery and religious beliefs. This causes an internal battle between adopting new ways and preserving customs. In summary, colonization brings perpetual societal decay for which no one takes responsibility. Natives can decide whether to accept or refuse contact, knowing the implications.
On an Amazon tribe’s account, Portuguese invasion brought sickness and death. Despite pleas to let it go, rebellions began and colonial authority was established after years of battles. Survival of the fittest is the strategy for native colonies in Europa Universalis 4.

Europa Universalis 4 How To Colonize As Natives
To successfully colonize as natives in Europa Universalis 4, you must focus on building infrastructure and technology, forging alliances and diplomatic relations, and choosing the right time and target for expansion. These sub-sections will play a critical role in your colonization efforts and help you achieve your goals.
Building up Infrastructure And Technology
Colonial success in Europa Universalis 4 needs infrastructure and technology. You must build roads, ports, and other facilities. Tech advances bring more trade, better weapons, and cultural progress.
Plus, trading with neighboring countries can bring money and diplomatic relations.
And it’s true – alliances mean military help in wartime (source: Paradox Interactive).
Being popular or bribing are the only ways to make buddies in EU4.
Forging Alliances And Diplomatic Relations
Creating diplomatic alliances is essential for successful colonization in Europa Universalis 4. Here are 6 tips to keep in mind:
- Search for nearby nations with common goals.
- Look for allies with larger militaries to protect against potential attacks.
- Negotiate trade agreements for economic growth and better infrastructure and armies.
- Engage in diplomacy and missions for favourable outcomes like reduced war exhaustion.
- Use spy networks to gather info about neighbours.
- Maintain balance of power among allies to avoid conflicts.
Further, consider terrain barriers or geographic isolation when evaluating potential allies. Finally, don’t forget to put in the effort for a successful colonisation – internal development and external relations are both important. Timing is also key – a surprise attack on a rival amid a war with France.
Choosing The Right Time And Target For Expansion
Expanding in Europa Universalis 4 requires thought. Here are some tips to consider:
- Pick a time when the target is weak.
- Pick a target with weak allies or internal problems for higher success.
- Check strength of target before attacking.
- Select a weak region for less risks and more returns.
- Areas with high trade value and population provide economic benefits.
- Strike quickly before other countries do.
- Act fast to not miss out on profit.
- Beware of expanding too soon – it can lead to unwanted wars.
- Time is key for smooth colonization.
- Yet, is the risk of being colonized worth it? It’s like playing a game of Russian roulette, with a potential golden ticket!