Pressing a claim in Crusader Kings 2 can be a daunting task for new players. It requires careful planning and execution to achieve success. In this article, I’ll share my knowledge and experience to help you understand how to press a claim in Crusader Kings 2.
To begin with, it is important to understand what pressing a claim means in Crusader Kings 2. Essentially, it entails asserting one’s right to a title that is presently held by another character. This can be achieved by declaring war on the title holder, and either winning the war or securing a favorable peace deal.
The first step to pressing a claim is to ensure that you have a valid claim to the title you want to press. There are several types of claims, including de jure claims, claims through marriage, and fabricated claims. It’s important to research and determine which type of claim is applicable to your situation. Additionally, having allies and vassals who can support your war efforts can greatly increase your chances of success. Once you have your claim and allies in place, you can begin your war and press your claim.
Understanding Claims in Crusader Kings 2
To effectively press a claim in Crusader Kings 2, it is essential to understand the concept of claims. A claim is nothing but a legal right to a title, land, or a position that has been wrongly taken away.
How to Press a Claim in Crusader Kings 2
Players can leverage claims to win new titles, expand territories, and even press their heirs’ rights to a foreign throne. There are several types of claims in Crusader Kings 2, including weak claims, strong claims, and de jure claims. Here’s more on each of these claim types:
– Weak Claims: These claims can only be used by women, children, and claimants who are not a direct heir to the title they’re claiming. This is the weakest type of claim, but it can still come in handy in certain situations.
– Strong Claims: As the name suggests, these claims are much stronger than weak claims. They can be used by claimants who are a direct heir to the title they’re claiming. They are also inheritable, meaning that your descendants can press the same claim after your death.
– De Jure Claims: These claims are based on the laws and customs of the game’s world map. Claiming a title through de jure means that the title rightfully belongs to you, based on the game’s laws and customs.
Players can claim titles in a number of ways, such as through inheritance, marriage alliances, and fabricating claims. However, pressing claims can be challenging, requiring a player to build alliances, gain support from powerful vassals, and choose the right moment to strike.
In summary, understanding the nature of claims is crucial to successfully expanding your empire in Crusader Kings 2. Always weigh the pros and cons of pressing a claim, and choose the best strategy for your situation.

Steps to Press a Claim in Crusader Kings 2
As a ruler in Crusader Kings 2, pressing a claim is one of the most important features to expand your territories and establish a powerful dynasty. If you’re not sure how to go about pressing a claim, fear not! I’ll provide a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the process.
Step 1: Identify a Valid Claim
Firstly, it’s essential to identify a valid claim that you can press. The valid claims can be inherited, fabricated, or obtained from marriages. To inherit a claim, take a look at the claimant’s title and check whether the inheritance law of the title allows inheritance or not. Another means of obtaining a claim is via marriage, as you can join your line to another and press your wife or husband’s claim on their inheritance.
Step 2: Acquire a Casus Belli
Once you’ve found a valid claim to press, you will need a valid reason to go to war. This isknown as the “Casus Belli” or justification for the war. Some of the available Casus Belli options are De Jure wars, claim wars, holy wars, and excommunication wars. Depending on the situation, the appropriate Casus Belli can be chosen to justify war.
Step 3: Raise and Command Troops
After obtaining a valid claim and a Casus Belli, you will need to raise enough troops to press your claim successfully. Troop size can be increased using mercenaries, vassals, and retinues. As the ruler, you will lead your armies into battles, and it’s essential to make tactical decisions as the commander to ensure success.
Step 4: Press the Claim
Once all the steps above are completed, you can now commence the war and press your claim. If you win the war, the claimant will be awarded the title being contested. You can then choose to keep the title for yourself and place a loyal vassal as the new ruler.
These are the essential steps to press a claim in Crusader Kings 2. Remember, to establish a powerful dynasty, you need to expand your territories, and pressing claims is a sure way to achieve that goal.

Tips for Successfully Pressing a Claim in Crusader Kings 2
If you are playing Crusader Kings 2, you may come across situations where you need to press a claim to gain control of a title. Whether you are playing as a vassal trying to claim your liege’s title or attempting to push a family member’s claim to a foreign throne, pressing claims can be a tricky process. Fortunately, with some careful planning and a bit of luck, you can increase your chances of success. Here are a few tips for successfully pressing a claim in Crusader Kings 2:
1. Build up your realm: Before attempting to press a claim, make sure your realm is strong enough to support your efforts. This means building up your infrastructure, including your economy, military, and technology. It’s also a good idea to establish alliances and secure powerful allies who can help you in a time of need.
2. Choose the right moment: Timing is everything when pressing a claim. Wait for the right opportunity, such as when your target is weak, distracted by other wars, or dealing with succession issues. It’s also important to keep an eye on your own vassals and their potential rebellions so that you can avoid being pulled into a war on two fronts.
3. Consider your CB: The type of casus belli (CB) you use to press your claim can have a significant impact on your chances of success. If you have a strong claim, such as a claim by right, press it. If you have a weak claim, such as a claim by inheritance, you may need to wait for the right moment to press it. Also, pay attention to the type of CB you are using – declaring war on someone with a strong ally can quickly turn the tide against you.
4. Manage your war: Once you’ve declared war and started pressing your claim, it’s important to manage the war effectively. This means keeping your armies well-supplied, avoiding unnecessary losses, and targeting your enemy’s weak spots. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on your enemy’s moves and adjust your strategy accordingly.
In summary, successfully pressing a claim in Crusader Kings 2 requires careful planning, smart diplomacy, and effective military management. By focusing on these key tips – building up your realm, choosing the right moment, considering your CB, and managing your war – you can increase your chances of success and come out on top.