As I delve further into Crusader Kings 2, I realize that the quest for power and dominance can be a tricky one. One of the keys to success in this game is the ability to obtain a casus belli, which is a justification for war against another ruler. Without one, your troops may hesitate to wage battle, and you could lose out on potential territory or valuable resources.
So, how exactly can you get a casus belli? There are several ways to do so, including acquiring claims to land through marriage and inheritance, fabricating claims with your chancellor’s help, or using the holy war or crusade casus belli against religious enemies. Additionally, some DLCs offer unique casus belli, such as the Jade Dragon DLC, which allows you to use a “Chinese invasion” casus belli against neighboring states.
Ultimately, the key to obtaining a casus belli is careful planning and strategic thinking. By choosing the right allies, expanding your influence, and taking advantage of available opportunities, you can increase your chances of securing a casus belli and ultimately achieving victory in Crusader Kings 2.
Understanding the Concept of Casus Belli in Crusader Kings 2
In Crusader Kings 2, casus belli is the key to waging wars against other countries and acquiring new territories. It is a Latin term that means “cause of war” and signifies a legitimate reason for one ruler to attack another. Without a casus belli, a war would just be an aggressive invasion and could anger neighboring rulers who may come to the defense of the target.
Crusader Kings 2 How to Get Casus Belli
There are various ways to obtain casus belli in Crusader Kings 2, including:
– Claim fabrication: This method involves fabricating a claim on the target territory, which, if successful, allows the ruler to declare war and press their claim. This can be done through the spy-on-scheme action against the target’s ruler.
– Inheritance: If a ruler has a familial claim or a claim by inheritance, a valid casus belli is created. This is when a character’s father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, or great-grandfather/grandmother held a title that is below the current character’s title (e.g., Duke to King, Count to Duke).
– Holy wars: A major reason to go to war in Crusader Kings 2 is for religious reasons. If the player’s ruler and their target belong to different faiths, a Holy War casus belli can be used to justify escalating hostilities.
– Crusades/Jihads: The religious wars fought over Jerusalem and other holy sites fall under Crusades and Jihads, providing the casus belli to capture valuable territories and increase religious standing.

It’s also important to note that some casus belli options require specific conditions to be met before they can be used. These include:
– The player needs to accumulate enough piety to declare a Holy War or Crusade/Jihad
– The player must wait for a truce to expire before declaring war based on fabricated claims
– The player must replace their opponent with a dynasty member to declare war based on inheritance claims
Understanding casus belli is crucial to winning wars in Crusader Kings 2. Without it, the player is limited in the actions they can take and can quickly become vulnerable to attacks from other rulers. However, with careful planning and strategic use of casus belli, players can expand their territories and rise to the top of the medieval world.
Ways to Gain Casus Belli in Crusader Kings 2
Casus Belli is a Latin term that means “cause of war.” It refers to gaining a valid reason or justification for declaring war in Crusader Kings 2. In CK2, you cannot simply declare war on another ruler without a valid Casus Belli. In this section, we will discuss the various ways to gain Casus Belli in Crusader Kings 2.
Fabricating Claims
One of the most common ways to gain Casus Belli in CK2 is through Fabricating Claims. This involves your Chancellor being sent to the target region to fabricate a claim on a title. Once the fabricated claim is successful, you will gain a valid reason to declare war on that ruler. Fabricating a claim requires decent Diplomacy and a bit of luck, but it can be an effective way of gaining new territories.
Inheritances and Successions
Inheritances and successions can also provide a legitimate reason for declaring war. If you have a claim to a title that should rightfully belong to you or your dynasty, you can press it with a strong chance of success. Moreover, Succession wars are also an excellent way to gain new titles and territories. Just make sure that you are the rightful heir or have a valid claim.

Holy Wars
Holy Wars, or Crusades, are declared by the Pope against infidels, heretics, or other enemies of the Church. Holy Wars allow Christian rulers to gain territory easily, provided they are successful in their crusade. Apart from expanding your realm, Holy Wars also provide the opportunity to earn piety and prestige.
Invasion is a Casus Belli that enables you to declare war against a much larger realm. This can be tricky to pull off, but if you are successful, you’ll gain massive amounts of land, prestige, and power. However, beware of the consequences: an invasion can significantly weaken your realm if you’re unable to control your newly-acquired territories.
In conclusion, there are several ways to gain Casus Belli in Crusader Kings 2. By fabricating claims, focusing on successions, participating in Holy Wars, or leading invasions, you can increase your power and expand your realm. As always, make sure to plan your wars carefully and prepare for the worst possible outcome. Good luck!