Crusader Kings 2 is all about making the most of claims. But, navigating them can be tricky. So, to help you, here’s a breakdown of the three types of claims and their benefits.
De jure claim: Claim on territory historically belonging to your dynasty or realm. Easier to acquire land.
Strong claim: Based on direct inheritance or strong evidence. Higher chance of success.
Weak claim: Based on indirect inheritance or weak evidence. Lower chance of success, but still gives partial control.
Having allies and vassals will boost your chances of success. So, don’t miss the opportunity to expand power and influence in Crusader Kings 2. Start strategizing now!
Types of Claims in Crusader Kings 2
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When it comes to Crusader Kings 2, having claims on the lands of others can be a valuable tool for expanding one’s territory and power. Understanding the different types of claims available in the game is crucial to making the most of them and achieving success.
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In Crusader Kings 2, a player can have several types of claims on a piece of land, each with its requirements and benefits. These include:
Claim Type Description Benefits
Strong Claim Direct bloodline relation to current holder Can be pushed through war; usurps the target’s title
Weak Claim Indirect bloodline relation to current holder Cannot be pushed without some outside influence (i.e. faction support, target’s kingdom in a regency, etc.)
Pressed Claim A claim purchased from a courtier or religious figure Can be pushed through war; target’s title is not usurped
Inherited Claim Claim passed down from a predecessor Can only be pushed on a target who permanently loses their title (i.e. abdication, lost in war)
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It’s important to note that even if a character has a strong claim on a piece of land, they may not necessarily have the support or resources necessary to press that claim successfully. Additionally, pressing a weak claim may require careful diplomacy and alliance-building to secure the necessary backing.
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To make the most of claims in Crusader Kings 2, players should focus on building up their strength and alliances before attempting to press a claim. It may be more advantageous to wait for the right opportunity (such as a weak ruler or untimely death) rather than risking a costly and potentially unsuccessful war. Additionally, using marriage alliances or sending gifts to influential courtiers can help secure valuable support for pressing claims.
Pressing claims in Crusader Kings 2 is like playing a game of thrones, except you get to be the one who conquers and humiliates everyone else.
Pressing Claims
When pressing claims in Crusader Kings 2, it’s essential to grasp the different ways of doing it. For example, diplomatic methods can persuade other rulers to help. Or, armed conflict can be used, but it could weaken the realm. Remember, legitimacy and strength of the claim matter. Some claims are stronger than others. Knowing these details can help get the desired outcome.
Taking action requires careful thought and strategic planning. Failing to do so can lead to missed opportunities and setbacks. Consider all options and consequences first. Don’t be overwhelmed, approach each scenario methodically and strategically for the best result. Having a weak claim is like bringing a salad to a sword fight!
Weak Claims
Claim Types in Crusader Kings 2 are important. Lower level claims are one type. These come from a weak connection to a title. Women and blood relatives can claim them. Help from outside or waiting for the title holder to die is needed to enforce them.
Enforcing them usually results in a war. Even if successful, many lords may be unhappy. Using these claims as leverage in alliances or making strong claims before enforcing rights is better. Remember, a strong claim is nothing if you can’t back it up with a strong army or poison!
Strong Claims
Strong hereditary claims in CK2 give you the right to take control of a county, duchy, or kingdom. Your claim strength depends on your relationship to the title. Strong claims let you declare war on the holder without a fight. When multiple people have an equal right, you can combine them through marriage or inheritance.
Players must know the difference between claim types and how they work in different scenarios. Track titles and owners to conquer new territories faster.
Pro Tip: Prioritize strong claims for the best benefit. This saves time and resources. Then, conquer your way to the top with inheritance!
Inheritance Claims
Inheritance claims are categorized into two types: Seniority and Cognatic Primogeniture. Seniority gives the title to the eldest in the dynasty. Cognatic Primogeniture gives gender equality rights, which means women can inherit titles based on birth order, not gender. Understanding these types is important since they can affect future generations after you pass away.
Charlemagne changed inheritance claims when he backed elective succession. This allowed elected officials to become hereditary rulers over time with agreement. Eventually, their power was too great for anyone to take away without bloodshed. Hereditary Ready to claim what’s yours? Make sure the right people are in the right places.

How to Acquire Claims in Crusader Kings 2
Acquiring Claims in Crusader Kings 2
Acquiring claims is crucial to gain control over territories in Crusader Kings 2. Here’s how you can acquire them.
- Marry into the family that possesses the territory or claim you desire.
- Use your Chancellor to fabricate a claim on the territory.
- Inherit the claim through the death of a family member with a valid claim.
It is important to note that acquiring claims through inheritance can only occur if the claim is inheritable.
Pro Tip: Keep an eye out for weak claimants as they can be useful allies in pressing their claim and gaining the desired territory. Who needs true love when you can strategically marry into a powerful family and take their land in Crusader Kings 2?
Marriage Alliances
Strategizing Marriage Alliances: A Guide for Crusader Kings 2
To expand your power, marriage alliances are essential. Smart marriages allow you to gain claims, secure allies, and control territories. Here’s the procedure:
Create a table with three columns – Name, Age and Alliance – to decide who your kids should marry. Check the possible partners and pick out those who can amplify your alliance. When deciding spouses for your offspring, consider their age, traits and lineage – these can affect later generations. Target someone whose family wealth goes at least as far as yours. Once married, you can invite your new ally to fights between their families, or court events and feasts.
Forging political marriages was a common practice in ancient times, but was most widely used during the Middle Ages when kings sought marriage alliances to maintain political stability. This feature is replicated in CK2, accurately reflecting historical practices in feudal Europe.
Fabricating Claims
Creating legal claims is essential in Crusader Kings 2 to get new regions. To build a powerful claim, you can do it various ways. One is to fabricate claims. Select a county and pick one of your councillors to fabricate the area.
This councillor will then research local politics and other relevant information to find evidence to support the claim. This could take years, depending on many factors. Note that only a limited number of fabricated claims are allowed simultaneously, making it difficult. Plus, if other nations discover that a legal claim is fake, it could cause big trouble.
I tried having my best councillor fabricate two different claims, but he failed both times, despite dedicating all his time to them. Event chains in Crusader Kings 2 are unpredictable – you never know if it’ll lead to murder, betrayal, or just some regular family drama.
Event Chains
Event Sequences are events in Crusader Kings 2 that occur when conditions are met. These can be a great way to claim certain territories and titles.
Take a look at the following table:
Event Name Claim Acquired Trigger
Marriage Matrilineal Marriage Close Relative
Character Assassination Murder claim on liege Low Intrigue score
Fabricate Claim County level claim Chancellor with High Diplomacy score
Gaining claims can happen through marriage, assassinating or fabricating people with diplomacy. Players can expand their lands and power with these strategies. It’s important to plan and manage resources like gold and manpower. With the right plan, players can make big gains through event chains.
To remain competitive, players should explore new event chains as they arise. Not doing so can put them at a disadvantage. So who needs a will when you can have babies and inherit claims?
Inheriting Claims
Gaining Control of Inherited Claims
When someone dies, their heirs gain their titles and claims. These can come from direct or indirect inheritance. The one with the strongest claim usually inherits the title. Sometimes, players must murder heirs to obtain these claims.
Strategic Use of Alliance
It is wise to marry daughters off for alliances with powerful rulers. They can bring hereditary claims through offspring. However, the main benefit is a stronger realm and easier expansion of influence.
Special Cases of Acquisition
If you have no valid inheritances, take some land and create new titles. This offers bonuses to your dynasty members.
True Fact i.e., Crusader Kings 2 is developed and published by Paradox Development Studio.
If your claims game in Crusader Kings 2 is weak, surrender to your toddler heir’s tantrum.

Maximizing the Use of Claims in Crusader Kings 2
As a player of Crusader Kings 2, understanding how to maximize your use of claims is crucial for expanding your realm and achieving success. With the right approach, you can take advantage of the various types of claims available and conquer lands previously considered out of reach.
To better understand the potential of claims in Crusader Kings 2, consider the following table:
Claim Type ProsCons
De Jure Can be pressed at any time Limited scope
De Facto Easy to obtain Requires a strong casus belli
Strong High chances of success Difficult to acquire
Weak Low requirements Low chances of success
It is important to note that the above table is not exhaustive but simply a guide to help you strategize. For example, if your goal is to acquire a large territory, it may be best to prioritize claims with a broad scope, such as de jure claims.
In the game’s history, claims have played a significant role in real-life political intrigue and the plotlines of popular fiction, such as the Wars of the Roses in England or A Song of Ice and Fire. By utilizing claims to their fullest potential, you too can carve out your legacy and achieve victory in Crusader Kings 2.
Pressing your claim at the right time is crucial, because nothing ruins a good conquest like being late to the party.
Timing of Claim Pressing
Time it right for pressing claims in Crusader Kings 2. Age, status and title held within the realm matter regarding timing. Plus, your support from other vassals or allies is also important. Wait for chances where you have an advantage over other rulers. Check their military power and alliances. Utilize spies to judge them correctly.
Before pressing, gather money and resources. A prepared army makes a big difference. Timing can make or break your claim pressing strategy. So first, analyze factors that impact your claimant’s success. Then, take steps to increase their chances.
Prepare your heirs and bond with them by plotting against your siblings. Then, be ready for the throne.
Claimant Preparation
Claiming titles in Crusader Kings II requires preparation. To prepare, one must ensure their army is strong, secure alliances, or assassinate rivals. Money for mercenaries is also essential. These steps are key to a successful claim.
Gathering allies and assets is important. Marrying into other powerful families or forming alliances increases the chances of receiving support. Also, subtle tactics like assassination or bribery can help gain sympathy and secure victory.
Preparing for a claim is critical. Henry VII’s invasion of England in 1485 is an example of a ruler failing due to inadequate preparation. Richard III didn’t have the resources to fight back, even with his strongest supporters. In Crusader Kings II, money is key. Make sure you have enough to get the job done.
Building Support
Gaining support in Crusader Kings 2 requires a strong network of alliances and vassals. Diplomacy is key for garnering support with other rulers. Alliances can be helpful in many ways; they can come to your aid and assist with claims.
You must also have good relations with non-vassals, like courtiers. They can influence their liege to support you if you have a good relationship. Another way to build support is by spreading your religion among converts.
It’s important to keep track of connections and be patient – progress takes time. With careful planning and decision-making, you can build a strong base of supporters.
Pro Tip: Don’t forget to use marriages to secure alliances. They can strengthen and build new ones, securing diplomatic ties for generations. If war tactics are just throwing more soldiers, reconsider your strategy – and get better armor!
War Tactics and Strategy
To be successful in battle, be diplomatic and strategic. Warfare requires studying an enemy’s location, resources, and other factors.
The following table shows some of the common tactics and their descriptions and usage:
Tactics Description Usage
Flanking Weakens enemy lines from all sides.
Siege Attackers surround a castle or fortress.
Train troops before combat. Use marriage alliances to increase your army and boost morale. Upgrade fortresses for reinforcements. Stockpile gold for mercenaries!
Maximize claims in Crusader Kings 2: build alliances, acquire territory through tactics, upgrade fortresses.
Remember: with great claims comes great treasonous plots.
Crusader Kings 2 How To Get Claims
While pursuing claims in Crusader Kings 2 can bring vast rewards regarding territorial expansion and political power, there are also significant limitations and risks to consider.
The following table shows the limitations and risks of Crusader Kings 2 claims:
Limitations and Risks of Crusader Kings 2 ClaimsDetails
Claimants may not have enough power or support to press their claims The strength and number of vassals, allies and military forces must be carefully analyzed before pursing a claim, else it could result in an unwise and costly conflict.
Succession laws can complicate and weaken claims Inheriting claims from a deceased or disinherited predecessor, or competing against a sibling or rival claimant with equal or stronger legitimacy can create difficulties.
Claim fabrication can lead to discovery and punishment Falsifying a claim to gain or strengthen control and legitimacy over a territory can lead to exposure, scandal and potential loss of alliances and titles.
Additionally, claimants must consider the potential long-term consequences of their actions, as even successful claims can destabilize existing power structures, trigger wars and rebellions, and incur resentment and retaliation from other rulers and factions.
Be strategic and vigilant when pursuing claims, or risk missing opportunities for growth and advancement in the political landscape of Crusader Kings 2. Don’t let fear of failure or discovery hold back your ambitions, but be smart and calculated in your actions.
Claimants are like toddlers – you can never fully trust their reliability, but sometimes they surprise you and get the job done in Crusader Kings 2.
Claimant Reliability
The trustworthiness of those who make claims in Crusader Kings 2 is uncertain. Factors like biases and hidden agendas may affect it. Therefore, investigating evidence and potential effects is crucial.
A character’s reputation and societal status can influence how credible they appear. Even respected people can lie to serve their interests. External factors, such as alliances, are vital when evaluating a claim. For example, rulers may support or oppose someone’s bid depending on their strategies.
Relying solely on claims can be disastrous. Wars and revolts can ruin a kingdom and hurt commoners. In history, many claims were made by people with no right to them. For example, during the English Wars of the Roses, Yorkists and Lancastrians used false genealogical arguments to try and seize the throne.
Negotiating with an enemy in CK2 is like reasoning with a cranky toddler – both can easily lead to war.
Diplomatic Outcomes
Playing Crusader Kings 2? ‘Tis important to understand dynamics like alliances, vassalage, and family ties. Different cultures have their own beliefs that can influence reactions. Weigh risks and limitations before taking moves, else your dynasty’s reputation will suffer. Neglecting diplomacy can also cause revolt.
This medieval simulation game is full of plots. Master the nuances of Diplomacy to get ahead. Understand culture, power dynamics, and history. Forge meaningful alliances to conquer cities. Appreciate signifiers used by personalities you meet. Encryption can be used to garner favor and force into submission.
Crusader Kings 2 is like a Game of Thrones, but with more family drama and less dragons. Master diplomacy and succeed in this grand game!
Succession and Realm Expansion
In Crusader Kings 2, managing succession and expanding realms is critical. This means strategic planning and delegating duties. But, unpredictable events like assassination or sickness can ruin plans. So, prepare for risks and have backups for heirs not in the direct line.
Also, aggressive expansion can cause overextension, making the realm weaker. Balance conquests with good governance and diplomacy with nearby realms. Diversify your claims with marriage alliances to secure your future and expand influence.
Pro Tip: Be careful when inviting guests to your banquet. External forces and interference can make poisoning the least of your worries.
External Factors and Interference.
Various external factors impact Crusader Kings 2. Wars, diplomacy, religious conflicts and even natural disasters can significantly disrupt and alter the outcome. In-game interference can also be troublesome, like inheriting territory you can’t manage or a vassal revolt.
Crusader Kings 2 offers an exceptional gaming experience despite these limitations and risks. Its intricate gameplay and compelling storylines make it a hugely popular strategy game. For example, one player became mighty emperor of Scandinavia but eventually fell because of their arrogance and poor decision making. These stories show how CK2 allows players to create a unique journey through medieval history, but they’ll face challenges.